Best ASP.NET Tools To Build Mind-blowing Web Applications

Would you be able to envision Picasso attempting to make his excellent canvases without the brushes or the paints? Or then again Michelangelo besides attempting to shape without his etches? I’m speculating this is really difficult to envision. Moreover, for any business notwithstanding hire Asp .Net Developers India, picking the right devices is similarly essential to construct an endeavor-level web application.

In this blog, we take you through a rundown of the best apparatuses and advances that you can use for building web applications dependent on Microsoft Technologies (.NET).

Best Tools for .NET Developers

  • Microsoft Web Platform Installer
  • Web Essentials for Visual Studio
  • NuGet
  • Visual Studio Gallery
  • LINQPad
  • .NET Reflector
  • ReSharper
  • NDepend
  • SQL Complete
  • GitHub Extension for Visual Studio
  • Web Platform Installer

Basically, this free device makes it amazingly helpful for designers to download, introduce and keep awake to-date with the most recent parts on the Microsoft Web Platform – like the SQL Server Express, .NET Framework and Visual Studio.

The Web Platform Installer additionally gives a characterized establishment work process to introducing open source applications and advances for the web stage. This instrument with its inherent Windows web application exhibition likewise makes it incredibly helpful and easy to run the most mainstream free software development for contributing to a blog, content administration and then some.

Web Essentials – A Visual Studio expansion

This is one instrument that makes lives a lot more straightforward for engineers by broadening Visual Studio. In this manner opening up a stock of CSS, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript or LESS and a few other valuable provisions.


At first, NuGet began as a free and open-source bundle administrator exclusively expected for the Microsoft advancement stage. Today, NuGet has advanced into a far-reaching environment of devices and administrations. The NuGet customer instruments permit you to burn through bundles. This instrument likewise diagrams how bundles are delivered, facilitated and exhausted. Besides, it likewise gives the instruments to these jobs.


Chocolatey is a device particularly planned and produced for the Windows NT stage. It is a machine-level programming bundle chief and an execution motor that utilizes the NuGet bundling foundation and the Windows PowerShell to give a computerization apparatus to introduce the product in Windows machines and target working on the cycle for the client.


LINQPad is the apparatus that assents testing LINQ inquiries or any C#/F#/Visual Basic program. LINQPad is a stage for prototyping and moment input. It is the ideal apparatus that accompanies worked-in highlights like the debugger and autocomplete. It additionally deals with the messiness in the source code organizer in the Visual Studio Console. It is a fundamental apparatus for trying different things with LINQ and testing code scraps before they are brought into your code.

.NET Reflector

.NET Reflector goes about as a decompiler and a static analyzer for the .NET structure. It assists you with appreciating and investigating the .NET code. It permits you to likewise do it for outsider parts regardless of whether you don’t have any documentation or remarks.


NDepend is a Visual Studio expansion that is mostly utilized for static code investigation. NDepend is particularly helpful to the extent streamlining of code and estimating the code quality is concerned. It likewise comes convenient while imagining its plan and for precisely assessing the specialized profundity, inside the IDE. Also, the instrument gives a custom questioning language to looking at the application’s coupling and breaking down how proficiently affirm to norms.


Fundamentally, SQLComplete is a usefulness instrument that increases the SQL Server Management Studio by adding valuable components, for example, tab shading, script age, route, and so on This totally adaptable device, further develops the code quality as well as works on the way toward making SQL questions with Context-based code finishing, Code fruition for CTE, Managing monikers, Suggestions of items, Code featuring and then some.


The ReSharper instrument includes attention on code quality examination. The Resharper instrument distinguishes the issues in code, yet additionally tackles them naturally. The computerized arrangement-wide code refactoring helps in changing the code base. This device is incredibly helping in elevating the inheritance code or even the undertaking structure.

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