Avoid these scams when applying for Canada immigration

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada, you must be aware of some of the common scams that immigrants face. There are several fraud people out there who try to take advantage of innocent people trying to immigrate to Canada.

Here are some common scams to avoid if you are trying to immigrate to Canada:

1.Visa guarantee

No one can guarantee you a visa when it comes to Canadian immigration. Granting a visa is solely at the hands of the case officer at the IRCC. Hence, there is always some amount of risk involved in every Canada Visa application. Also, immigration processes take time. There is always a high chance that an eligibility requirement might change before you submit your application. If anyone guarantees you visa success, remember not to trust them. Also, don’t fall for offers that are too good to be true.

2.Big promises regarding the Express Entry Program

The Express Entry program is extremely popular among prospective immigrants. You must know that the Express Entry Program is a points-based program which ranks candidates based on CRS scores. Your CRS score is completely based on your attributes and very little can be done to influence it externally. You can check your CRS score using a CRS calculator. If someone tries to tell you that they can help increase your CRS score, do not blindly fall for their trap. Try and understand how the Express Entry Program works before you believe what anyone else says.

3.Unlicensed representatives

As per Canadian immigration laws, you can only give immigration advice provided you are a licensed immigration consultant. A licensed immigration consultant must be registered with ICCRC (Immigration Consultant of Canada Regulatory Council). All licensed representatives have a valid RCIC number. You can also check the validity of the license number on the ICCRC database. If you want to work with an immigration lawyer, first and foremost find out which province or territory they are based out of in Canada. Your immigration lawyer must be a member in good standing with the bar association of that province. Check out the directory of the provincial bar associations to look up your lawyer and verify their credentials.

4.Payment for a job offer

It is unlawful for someone to accept payment in exchange for a job offer in Canada. If somebody asks you to pay for a job offer in Canada, that is definitely a red flag. If a Canadian company asks you to make a payment for a job offer, that is also a red flag. No genuine Canadian company will ask you to pay for a Work Visa deposit or ask for any payment for accommodation. No Canadian employer will ask you to make an investment for an employment offer; only scammers will.

5.No option for a consultation before signing a costly contract

This is one scam that even many immigration consultants and lawyers get involved in. Every profession has good and bad people. These consultants or lawyers would try to get you to sign expensive contracts or packages without even explaining your immigration options or your chances of success. If a lawyer is trying to get you to sign an expensive contract without explaining things in detail, that is definitely a red flag. 

An ethical immigration consultant or lawyer will first offer you a one-on-one consultation. Usually, these consultations last 30 to 60 minutes. This might be a paid consultation but it is a much better option than signing an expensive contract without understanding what’s in it for you. The one-on-one consultation should help you understand your potential immigration options. The lawyer would explain the eligibility requirements and the chances that you have at success. Understanding your options will help you save time, money and stress in the future. If your immigration consultant does not offer you a personalized consultation upfront, it is definitely a red flag you must avoid.

The Canada PR Visa process is a long and complex process. Having the right guidance from the right person can actually steer your PR application in the right direction. Make sure you check everything before you start the process. Do not fall for misleading information. Instead, do your own research. Hire a trustworthy immigration consultant to increase your chances of success.