Effective Ways To Stop And Reduce Stuttering

Stuttering is a speech disorder that signifies specific disruptions and fluency issues in a person’s speech. Some estimates suggest that nearly 1% of the adult population faces this speech problem which makes a rough count of about 3 million people in the US. Stuttering may affect people of any age; however, it is common among children and in many cases, it is temporary.

 A person who stutters may possibly experience difficulty in speech fluency in numerous ways, such as some repetitive sounds, prolonged sounds, and long pauses between words is a more common problem while a person speaks. There is no cure; however, there are few effective therapies and stuttering management skills that are very useful.

How Stuttering Influences An Individual

Stuttering influences a person in many ways. There are greater chances that such a kind of speech problem may arise from many psychological and other personality issues in a person. However, it is more to experience the following issues as an outcome of speech disorder.

1. Alcohol And Drug Abuse

Stuttering at times can become frustrating. Many adults may even experience mood disorders due to this speech problem. Such adults are at a higher risk of taking support from alcohol and other drugs to overcome the pain of such suffering. The addiction will not do any good; however, it may harm physical and mental health in a number of ways.

There are a variety of options available all across the US if someone is seeking a way out of addiction. You may contact rehab centers to learn more about specialized addiction treatment programs available for you. All these facilities are meant to facilitate those who struggle with addiction problems.

2. Depression

Many times inability to communicate effectively affects social interactions and social relations. In extreme cases, a person may even experience depression. The lack of confidence, inability to face the public, difficulty to communicate in gathering, and self-isolation can lead a person to depression. Many times the doctor may recommend some antidepressant medications to overcome this resulting problem.

3. Shaky Self Esteem

A person, after losing self-confidence, may even develop shaky self-esteem. A person who lacks self-esteem does not feel confident in him and is unable to effectively manage social interactions. Such issues can be overcome with the help of speech therapies that help a person to communicate more confidently.

Effective Tips To Manage Stuttering

Confusion, stress, anxiety, and pressure can all make stuttering worse. Adopting certain tips can prove useful to manage issues effectively. These strategies are in use for many years. Let us go through some of these tips.

1. Speaking Slowly

There is no medicine that can help you to get rid of stuttering altogether. It is therefore essential to practice your speaking skills. One way is to practice speaking slowly. This deliberate attempt is very effective in getting some control over your speech.

A person may practice reading aloud at a slow pace so that he can hear himself. This reading habit will help him when speaking with others. The other way one can speak slowly is by adding pauses and gaps between sentences and words.

2. Avoid Trigger Words

There is a set of some trouble-causing words for a person who stutters. One good way to deal with it is making a list of all trouble-causing words and replacing it with a more appropriate word that conveys the same meaning. Using such replacement words will add more fluency to speech. It will also help to overcome stammering issues.

3. Try Mindfulness

This is also an effective strategy that helps and puts you in a better condition to deal with your speech disorder. Research suggests that the effects of mindfulness may add to the value of stuttering coping strategies, and eventually person experiences better results. Such as:

  • Be mindful of avoidance strategy and try to speak whenever necessary and essential
  • Mindfully get some hold and control over the emotions this help you gain more calm and more control over the speech
  • Be mindful of your condition and embrace yourself. You will definitely find strategies that work best for you.

The incorporation of mindfulness meditation has great support from research. It is found to be effective for quite a large number of people.

4. Long Term Treatments

Usually, treatments are considered effective with early diagnosis of the condition. Treatments are also effective for children as they are going through developmental stages and even learn to deal better with stuttering. Normally speech therapists provide treatment for speech disorders.

The main motive behind such treatment is to improve as much speech fluency in a person as possible. It is also effective in developing and boosting the confidence of such people in order to promote their participation at the workplace and other social settings.

5. Speech Therapy

This is a very effective way to deal with stuttering, and it generates good results for both children and adults. There are many ways speech therapy helps a person. The speech therapist may even use a number of strategies from these few that might suit you the best:

  • A therapist may make your practice speaking at a relatively slower speed.
  • May ask you to notice times you stutter
  • They may ask you to notice situations in which stuttering gets worse
  • May even use cognitive behavioral therapy to improve your condition

All these strategies eventually help a person to gain fluency in speech. The degree of improvement is completely based upon the individual condition. Furthermore, CBT aims to positively change the mind, thinking pattern, and attitude of a person.

6. Electronic Devices

Technology may also help those dealing with stuttering issues through a range of electronic devices. The aim is to help people get some fluency in speech. Electronic devices allow you to practice and manage your speed when you speak. It also allows you to practice communication with the assistance of electronic devices.

Take Away

Stuttering is a speech disorder that affects a person’s ability to speak with fluency. If it remains untreated, then it may cause other personality issues such as lack of confidence and anxiety. There are some management tools that help to effectively deal with stuttering.