How To Get Rid Of Chronic Fatigue?

Fatigue, apathy, a constant feeling of overwork – this is what a person who has undergone chronic fatigue feels. Many people confuse it with ordinary fatigue, but these two are different. In ordinary fatigue, all symptoms disappear after a decrease in stress or getting proper rest, but in chronic fatigue, the condition can last for many days or even weeks.

Causes of Chronic Fatigue

Here are some major causes of chronic fatigue:

  • Wrong lifestyle
  • Adverse external environment
  • Violation of the diet
  • Psychological disorders
  • Chronic disease

All these factors force you to work for wear and tear, not sparing your body, which, in turn, cannot pass without consequences. Similar symptoms can be observed in both men and women since they are equally susceptible to certain negative influences due to an improper lifestyle, instability to stress, overwork, etc.

Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

The US Centers for Disease Control first diagnosed chronic fatigue back in 1988. The reason for this was a sharp increase in the number of complaints from residents of the state of Nevada with symptoms of this disease and headaches. Psychological and somatic symptoms confirmed their words. 

Modern diagnostics of chronic fatigue is reduced to determining the presence of:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Depression and irritability
  • Decrease in concentration and performance
  • Problems with memory
  • Lack of energy
  • Unreasonable fears
  • Muscle weakness and hand tremors
  • Decreased immunity
  • Periodic pain in different parts of the body
  • Fatigue for several months 
  • Substance abuse
  • Frequent colds

Tips To Getting Rid Of Chronic Fatigue

Do you notice that you are overworked? Already from Monday, you start to wait for the weekend, so as not to leave the house and not to talk to anyone? Stop and think. You may be on the verge of chronic fatigue. Just do not give up and neglect the first symptoms. Everything is in your hands. Analyze the current situation and act:

1. Reduce Work Load

In many cases, fatigue develops when a person takes on too many responsibilities, work, and worries. Delegation (handing over some of the work to another person) is a great option to avoid being overwhelmed and exhausted. Ask for help if needed. 

2. Try Getting Therapy

Due to chronic fatigue, many people start relying on substances such as alcohol, opioids, and other drugs. Instead of getting better, these substances contribute to aggravate the symptoms of fatigue. 

Thus, it is recommended to get therapy sessions from a nearby rehab to get rid of such dependence. If you are a resident of New Jersey, you are in luck as there are several rehab centers in New Jersey to help people suffering from such problems.

3. Get Rid Of Stress

Stop worrying about the little things that you cannot change. Many, succumbing to reflections, tend to over-worry about those things, over which they have no control. This may be the political situation in the country, the incompatibility of weather conditions for the coming weekend with your plans, etc. 

Train yourself to accept things that are beyond your control as they are, and not worry about your powerlessness to change them. Take it for granted, and you will find that life has become much easier for you.

4. Do Activities That Bring Joy

A lot of responsibilities, full dedication both at home and at work – all this sooner or later will lead to a breakdown, and therefore to chronic fatigue. This situation can be equated to taking time for yourself. After all, if you are not periodically recharged, in the end, the supply of energy will run out, and the strength will remain at zero. 

To prevent this, allow yourself to take small pleasures that will be like a battery charge for you. Remember what you love and do it as often as possible. For some, this is communication with friends; for others – cycling, walking in the park, etc. There can be many options. The main thing is to remember what brings you joy and do it as often as possible.

5. Change And Experiment 

If apathy and depression are at the doorstep of your actions, preventing you from moving forward, try taking drastic measures. For example, change the way you look by getting a new haircut. 

This will give you the opportunity to look at yourself in a new way. After such changes, you may want to approach solving problems and obstacles in a new way, saving your energy and enthusiasm.

6. Add Naps To Your Routine

If you cannot afford to sleep for several hours during the day, do it at least on the weekends. After a few days, you will be able to feel how this pleasant activity fills you with strength and energy, driving away burdening thoughts. 

7. Be In A Positive Mood

Try to constantly think about the good, expect the best, and make an effort for this. Know that it is a positive attitude that gives us the energy to move forward. You can practice meditation and do yoga to keep yourself from negative emotions and thoughts. 

8. Keep A Good Company 

Allow yourself the luxury of not interacting with people you find unpleasant. After all, it is precisely this kind of communication that burdens your emotional state and can cause a feeling of apathy. Spend more time with those who inspire you, from whom you can learn the best, who are pleasant and interesting to you.

9. Skip Or Shorten Your Time In Front Of The TV 

The bustle and irrepressible flow of information that rushes straight from the blue screens also burden our nervous system in an appropriate volume. Reading, drawing, listening to classical music can be more useful activities after a hard day than watching TV.

Summing Up

Take care of yourself by following the tips mentioned in this article. Let your body take a break and rest – and then no chronic fatigue will affect you. Remember, the warning is better than the cure. So be attentive to yourself and your health. All the best!